Embracing Constraints

It feels to be that I have a very delicately balanced existence.  It doesn’t take much to throw everything out of whack.  A demand for extra time in one area of my life has repercussions everywhere else, leaving me scrambling to pick up the pieces.  Of course if the kids are sick, my wife is sick or I’m sick, all of which has happened essentially continuously for the last month, chaos ensues.  All very much part of life’s rich tapestry and something to be embraced rather than to get frustrated about.  He tells himself through gritted teeth.

The ability to know what to do and when in order to be maximally effective is one of the ultimate aims of David Allen’s GTD methodology.  An updated version of the GTD book came out this week and I’m very much looking forward finishing working my way through it.  While it looks very familiar but also with enough new stuff to make it worth taking a look at.  The last full chapter deals with GTD mastery, what does it look like when you’ve got this GTD thing down?  It looks like mastery in most other fields, a freedom to add value without getting bogged down in the mundane.

While I get back to good health and back on track bear with me.  If you’ve commented here and not seen a response I apologize.  I can assure you that I read the comment and will respond soon.



5 Replies to “Embracing Constraints”

  1. I have an old copy of one of David’s other books on my bookshelf, “Ready For Anything”. Just last night I was looking at and thinking it was time to reread it. So thanks for the recommendation for this one. It looks good also.


  2. Big visions (I’m assuming you have some) require patience and perseverance and a bit of life management as per the book. I often feel restless cause my five year plan isn’t happening today. Thank you for the book mention.

    1. I need to keep my frustrations in check and recognize that small steps forward are still steps forward. Thanks for the encouragement!!

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