I’ve had a busy few weeks so it was great to be able to spend a week at the beach with my family. My blackberry quit working partway through the trip which meant it was more than a vacation than usual! Although I was on vacation I still managed to get up before sunrise on a couple of occasions and be back home in time for breakfast with the family. I spent much of the time playing with these pilings that were at the waters edge. Last year you could see a pair of pretty heft pipes running between the pilings, I’m not sure whether it was man or nature that buried them but they are gone for the time being. I’m still trying to build in the habit of multiple shots per idea and so I worked around these pilings as much as the ocean would allow. The beach drops of quite steeply here, so it’s easy to quite literally get in too deeply. Of the images I shot on this particular morning this one stood out in the first round of image edits.