New York, New York!


I was in New York recently – what an amazing place. More vibrant at 10.30 pm than 2 pm.

I’m thinking about community this week – who listens when you talk, supports you when you need to be supported, and kicks you in the pants when you need to be spurred on to be as good as you can be?

10 Replies to “New York, New York!”

  1. Beautiful shot Andrew.

    I have wonderful friends who listen, a great online community who somehow manage to say just the right thing as I’m getting discouraged. A good kick in the pants… not sure I have one of those. I should definitely find one!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture! My husband is honest, will kick start me when I flag and has carried me through dark times. I am a very lucky lady! 🙂

    1. Thank you! Fun to see the sights!

      I can think of a couple of places in Seattle that would be fun to try. Around the market is the most obvious.

    1. New York was amazing. I’d been a few times before but always ‘supervised’ short trips. This was my first time to roam around a little. Much more to see though!

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